Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Sponsor

Event coordinator, Jim Mayol announced that he has acquired another sponsor for the event, Wells Fargo.

Thank you, Wells Fargo!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rivers of Recovery

The reason that our club holds this event is to raise money to send local disabled veterans for an all-expenses-paid fly fishing trip to Utah's Green River ( a world class trout fishery ) through a non-profit organization called Rivers of Recovery. Rivers of Recovery is the brainchild of Dan Cook, a former Wall Street executive and energy trader. On an round-the-world fly fishing trip, Dan saw a  news television show about the struggles veterans suffering from post traumatic stress. His own brother is disabled and Dan saw the value of outdoor activities.

In some medical testing, Rivers of Recovery had found some actual measurable physiological benefits for the veterans. He has a webpage on the website summarizing the tests.

Figure 4.0. Results indicated fly fishing trip linked to an acute significant reduction in reports of hostility (e.g., scornful, irritable, loathing) from baseline (M = 15.95, SD = 5.92) to Day 3 (M = 8.63, SD = 2.61), representing a 49% reduction from baseline.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Event's Major Sponsors and Donors

Our event coordinator, Jim Mayol was able to obtain the following major sponsors for the event including:

  • The Mayol Family
Last year's as well as this year's event was underwritten by the Mayol family. 

$500.00 Donor; 
Oak Valley Community Bank

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or making a donation, read more about it on the Stanislaus Fly Fisher's website.